Halloween Activities and More…

Halloween Activities and More
Dear Terraces families and friends,
We are taking residents to the Descanso Gardens Jack O’ Lantern Light Show on Friday, October 20 at 5:30pm. The cost is $45 and tickets are selling fast! If your loved one might enjoy such an outing, please RSVP by calling the front desk no later than this Sunday, October 1. It should be spooky fun!
SAVE THE DATE: We will be holding our annual flu shot clinic on October 19 at 1:00pm. There are consent forms that will need to be completed and I’ll let you know as soon as they’re available.
We are now accepting reservations for our Thanksgiving Brunch, which will be held on Thanksgiving Day from
11:30-1:00pm. Ed and his team will be creating a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixins and delicious desserts! It’s $25 for adults and free for children under 12. Please RSVP no later than November 15! Be aware that the dining room will be closed for the rest of the day. We will provide box dinners for residents who will be here at dinnertime.
CALLING ALL KIDS! On Saturday, October 28, from 1:00-4:00pm your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great greats and employees’ kids are invited for door to door Trick or Treating. They will also vote for the best decorated door! So….please get a jump on things and help get those doors decorated in time for the contest on the 28th! We also ask that you bring candy in case there’s a shortage. And, don’t forget chocolate for me! Haha!
Finally, as most of you know, I run a fun storytelling group on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 6:30. My Social Café regulars and I have created a family all our own and we know everything about each others’ lives. Now, it’s your turn to come and tell funny, embarrassing, proud, joyful stories of your loved ones’ lives! There are no rules about the stories you tell (just make sure your loved one has a heads up) and you’re encouraged to bring photos, souvenirs, mementos or other show and tell items. We’ve heard all about you, now it’s your turn! Please let me know if you’re interested in participating by phone or email and we’ll pick a good week to do it. I’ve been wanting to do this since before Covid. Now we finally have the chance!
by Sam Baum Community Relations Director
The Terraces
at Park Marino
2587 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tel. (626) 798-6753