Dear Terraces families and friends,
The Terraces staff would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and safe 4th of July. As for our residents, we will be going door to door, parade style, playing patriotic songs with a rolling ice cream sundae bar, red white and blue cupcake bar, beer and wine bar and American flags to hand out! If the residents are lucky (or should I say, unlucky) I might even sing some songs for them! It will be a fun, upbeat day of song and patriotism. Be sure to check out our Facebook page for all the highlights after Saturday.
Sam Baum
Community Relations Director
The season has changed to summer and as temperatures rise it is important to stay cool and to hydrate frequently. As your loved ones age, their bodies’ fluid reserves decrease, the ability to conserve water is reduced and the sense of thirst becomes less acute. These problems are compounded by chronic illnesses such as diabetes and dementia and made even worse by medications they may be taking.
During routine meal deliveries and safety checks by our care staff, we will be encouraging your loved ones to drink lots of fluids. Our Dietary and Health staff will be promoting healthy hydration by frequently offering water, flavored beverages, popsicles and even fresh fruits, that will assist in keeping our residents hydrated.
You can help us with this challenge by providing your loved one with their favorite beverages to store in their apartments by dropping them off on the tables at the front of our building. Just let the front desk know when you’re there, so delivery can be made promptly.
I am visiting residents in their apartments for bi-annual assessment and health checks. if you think your loved one needs a safety check by me or anyone available on staff, please contact the concierge desk and request a room visit to check for safety
In preparation for the upcoming flu season we will be working with our pharmacy to provide flu shots in early September. We will keep you informed on the date and will create a sign-up list for anyone wishing to be vaccinated against the flu. We also will provide the flu vaccination to all employees in an effort to keep everyone in our community safe
Remember, stay safe, wear a mask, wash your hands frequently and practice social distancing. These are the simple things that we are doing to keep our community safe and COVID free.
Again, enjoy your Holiday weekend!
Health Services Director
Dana Denham
The Terraces
at Park Marino
2587 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tel. (626) 798-6753