Bring Your Kid to Work

Dear Terraces families and friends-
In our ongoing effort and obligation to be transparent, I’m sorry to report that another resident has tested positive for Covid. The resident rarely, if ever, leaves their apartment, is experiencing only mild symptoms and is on a 10 day quarantine. The likelihood that the resident had any contact with other residents is exceedingly remote. I will update you with any further developments.
Starting on Monday, July 4, we will resume mass testing, meaning all residents and staff will be tested on a weekly basis until we feel comfortable that the building is in the clear.
With Covid still a part of our lives, I’d like to recommend that family members and friends of our residents do home rapid tests on a regular basis and, if a positive result is revealed, that you make us aware and cease visitation for 10 days.
I’d also like to remind you that we are switching pharmacies, effective August 1. If we manage your loved one’s medication and you have not yet filled out an intake form for the new pharmacy, please make arrangements to pick one up at the front desk or I can send it to you by email. Please let me know if you need any help or have questions about the intake form. It’s critical that they are filled out properly and submitted in a timely manner. Today is the deadline for submission, so please tend to this at your very earliest convenience!
On another note, we’ve had a great response from family members who’d like to participate in our “Bring Your Kid to Work ” series. If any of you would like to come in and do a talk, presentation or demonstration highlighting your career, volunteerism, life adventures and/or travels, please let me know We hope to start them next month.
We would also like to start implementing some intergenerational programming, from Girl Scout involvement to pre- or elementary school performances and more. As part of that effort, we’d love to do a talent show(s) featuring our residents’ grandkids or great grandkids, adult or child. Please let me know if you or your children or grandchildren have a special talent that they’d like to come in and show off! All vaccinated proud mamas and papas can attend!
As always, please let us know if you have questions or if there’s anything we can do for you!
by Sam Baum Community Relations Director
The Terraces
at Park Marino
2587 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tel. (626) 798-6753