Dear Terraces families and friends-
As you know, we recently instituted weekly COVID testing for all staff. Over the last two weeks we’ve administered over 100 tests. Just today, a Safe Haven employee was identified as the only staff member to come back positive thus far. Thankfully, the employee is asymptomatic and had contact with a limited number of residents and staff. The employee is under quarantine. Per the LA County Department of Public Health, we will be testing ALL residents and staff today, Friday, December 11 at no cost.
This positive result is a reflection of the spike in cases we’re seeing, not only in Los Angeles County, but around the country. I’m disappointed to say it, but this feels almost inevitable, despite all of our efforts. Again, I want to emphasize that the employee is asymptomatic, doing fine at home and had limited contact with others.
We are staying in close communication with local and state health officials to ensure we are taking the appropriate steps to reduce the likelihood of an outbreak.
Regrettably, NO VISITS will be permitted until further notice, effective immediately (except for limited visits to residents on hospice). We do this for the safety of families, residents and staff alike.
The following protocols will be instituted to ensure the highest level of mitigation possible:
- We will be enhancing our stringent infection control precautions, including wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) when caring for residents, increasing the availability of hand sanitizer and even more frequent cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surface areas in all departments throughout the community.
- Residents will be encouraged to stay in their apartments until we’re certain that there’s no wider outbreak.
- We will continue our strict screening regimen of staff, residents and others entering the building with regular temperature and oxygen saturation checks. Residents are checked three times a day already.
- Only staff and medical professionals (including private caregivers) will be permitted in the building until further notice.
- On-going testing of staff and residents, in addition to private caregivers, who will be required to submit a weekly negative test going forward.
- We will be postponing group activities until further notice.`
- We will continue to be vigilant in reminding residents to wear masks and encourage social distancing.
- Continue to provide and require face masks for all staff.
As you know, we take this very seriously and will continue to provide updates about the situation as circumstances dictate. Please feel free to call us with questions or concerns at 626-798-6753.
Maria Quizon
Executive Director
The Terraces
at Park Marino
2587 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tel. (626) 798-6753