Holiday programming and more

Holiday Joy
Dear Terraces families and friends,
Our Annual Holiday Brunch will take place on Saturday, December 16 from 11:30-1, followed by a performance by our Resident Holiday Choir at 1:30. As always, Chef Ed has an amazing menu planned for you! Please RSVP no later than Tuesday, December 12. The cost is $25 for adults and free for children under 12. Even if you can’t make Brunch, please come support the Resident Choir that has been rehearsing so hard for your enjoyment, and that of the other residents!
Today, a group of residents helped decorate the Christmas tree to the sounds of Christmas carols, while enjoying delicious hot cocoa. It was super fun! We have a schedule for all our upcoming Holiday activities and events, a copy of which you can request at the front desk. You’re all welcome and encouraged to participate, if you’re able.. Please look for future notices about Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve plans.
This is also the time of year to show your appreciation for all the employees who work so hard to feed, entertain, care for love and support your loved ones. We have an Annual Employee Holiday Fund to which you can contribute by check, made payable to the Terraces. The fund is overseen by Resident Council President, Karen Becker. The final amount is split evenly among all employees and I can’t tell you how much they appreciate your generosity, whether it’s $5 or $500!
We’ve also started our Annual Toy Drive. There’s a huge box in the lobby next to the elevator. All gifts/toys go to Fire Station 66, who then drop off them off for the Spark of Love Toy Drive. As you’re out doing your Holiday shopping, I hope you’ll take the time to buy a small toy for children who don’t get to enjoy the kind of Christmas we’re all accustomed to.
The last Holiday-related note is a reminder about Poinsettias in the building, particularly in Safe Haven. Poinsettias, if touched or ingested, can cause skin rash, irritation, nausea and vomiting. Please bring fake Poinsettias or an alternative.
We only had 13 residents sign up for the Shingles vaccine. We need 20-25 for the pharmacy to come out and administer the shot. If you have yet to sign up your loved one, please do so by calling or visiting the front desk.
I hope you’re enjoying your Holiday Season! Let us know if there’s anything we can do to serve you or your loved one!
by Sam Baum Community Relations Director
The Terraces
at Park Marino
2587 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tel. (626) 798-6753