Dear Terraces families and friends,
Our last round of testing revealed 5 additional residents and 1 additional staff member with positive results. All the residents and their families have been notified. Thankfully, all the cases continue to be mild or completely asymptomatic.
Of a total of 23 residents who tested positive, 18 have been resolved, meaning they have completed their quarantine period. Of a total of 27 employees who have tested positive, 26 have been resolved.
As you know, we need 2 consecutive weeks of no positive results to return to normal operation; open dining room, resumption of activities, etc.
We’ve told all of your loved ones that the fastest way out of this shutdown is to wear a mask ABOVE THEIR NOSE when moving about the community and, if they have a cough, cold, fever or any other unusual symptoms, to stay in their apartments and notify us right away.
Please reinforce these two simple requests with your family members. I’d also like to add that unnecessary jaunts offsite are not advisable until we’re clear. If you take a loved one off campus, please use common sense in terms of masking, distancing, frequent hand washing and sanitation. I can’t stress enough how exponentially more transmissible Omicron is than Delta and it will take all of us to be vigilant to help get things back to normal.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding, and let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.
The Terraces
at Park Marino
2587 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tel. (626) 798-6753