National Assisted Living Week Wrap up, Fires and Requests

Dear Terraces families and friends-
National Assisted Living Week was a huge hit! I want to thank you all for sending your letters of appreciation to our staff; it meant more than you know to them. The photos and videos of your children and grandchildren brought your loved ones some much needed joy and feelings of family connectedness. The yearbook was also printed and distributed to the residents. They loved it, and if you’d like to see the final product, please visit our Facebook page to see their smiling faces!
Fall is upon us, evenings are starting to cool and we have started decorating for Halloween and the autumn season! Our creative team members have already launched plans for an interactive adventure that we’re calling, “Tales from the Terraces: Mystery of the Missing Golden Bingo Card.” Haha! I’ll keep you up to date as plans come together and as we get closer to the date. It should be so much fun!
Fall also brings flu season and as most, if not all of you, know, we held our flu shot clinic last week with a great turnout. If your loved one has not obtained their flu shot, we strongly suggest they do. Experts worldwide are warning that this could be a particularly active flu season and we want to make sure everyone here stays healthy. Along with a little bit of luck, we have worked so hard to keep The Terraces COVID-free and we’d hate to see an outbreak of any type as we enter that time of year.
Sadly, local fires continue to burn hundreds of thousands of acres, but it looks like the worst of it has passed for us here in Pasadena. The air quality has improved moderately and the ash has stopped falling. As I reported last week, if any danger returns, we have a very detailed plan to evacuate if needed to keep your loved ones safe.
I’d like to, once again, remind you that we are implementing a Music Therapy program in Safe Haven (our memory care wing) and we are in need of iPods and headphones. If you have any old (or new) ones collecting dust that you can loan or donate, I can assure you they will be put to good use. Our Safe Haven residents (and staff) would be so appreciative of your participation! Once the program is up and running, you will be so moved by the difference music can make for those with dementia. We’ll be sure to post videos to our Facebook page, so you can see the benefits of your donation (or loan). Just call the front desk to arrange for drop off.
I’d like to close with one final request; if you and your loved one have had a positive experience at The Terraces, I’ve provided links below to leave reviews on both Google and Yelp. We are very proud of our community, of our response to the COVID pandemic, and of the hard work that our staff members do every day to make The Terraces such a special place. If you feel the same, see below:
Stay safe, be well, and let us know if there is anything we can do. While our front door might remain closed, our phones, emails and hearts are open for all of you!
Until next week,
Sam Baum
Community Relations Director
The Terraces
at Park Marino
2587 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tel. (626) 798-6753