Provider Information Notice from DSS

Dear Terraces families and friends-
While there is nothing new in the notice below, by order of the Department of Social Services, we are required to distribute this to all residents and/or their responsible parties. A copy has gone out to all assisted living residents.
In addition, please be aware that the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health requires that face masks be worn by staff, residents and visitors while moving around the community.
Please see the following notice from DSS:
PIN 21-32-ASC Page Eight
Provider Information Notice (PIN) Summary for Residents PIN 21-32-ASC Updated Facility Staff Testing and Masking Guidance for
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has prepared this PIN Summary for Residents as a companion to PIN 21-32-ASC to inform you of guidance we have provided to your care providers concerning your care.
Adult and Senior Care (ASC) residential facilities have made progress in vaccinating residents and facility staff. However, COVID-19 cases in ASC residential facilities are rising and current infection prevention guidelines, such as masking, have not shown to be enough to prevent the transmission of the virus. This PIN updates testing and masking guidance,
Important! “Fully vaccinated” means two (2) weeks after receiving the second dose in a 2-dose series, like the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or two (2) weeks after a single dose vaccine, like Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine. If you don’t meet these requirements, you are NOT fully vaccinated.
Effective August 9, 2021, if your facility has not had any diagnosed COVID-19 cases among residents or facility staff for at least 14 days, CDSS requires the licensee of your facility to modify their testing schedule as follows:
The licensee of your facility must test all unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated facility staff (paid or unpaid) without symptoms of COVID-19 at least once weekly. The licensee of your facility must have a plan in place to track facility staff testing results and vaccination status. Testing of fully vaccinated facility staff without symptoms of COVID-19 is not currently required. . As soon as possible after a COVID-19 positive resident or staff member is
identified in a facility, the licensee of your facility should test all residents and facility staff at least weekly, until no new cases are identified over a 14-day period. Independent Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) residents do not need to be tested unless they have been in communal settings with other residents. The licensee of your facility should continue to test the following individuals: O Facility staff and residents with signs and symptoms consistent with
COVID-19 regardless of their vaccination status Unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated facility staff and residents without symptoms of COVID-19 who had a close contact with a COVID-19 positive person (i.e., within six (6) feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period)
PIN 21-32-ASC Page Nine
N95 Respirators for Facility Staff
Consistent with PIN 21-12-ASC, the licensee of your facility must require facility staff to wear an N95 respirator, regardless of their vaccination status, when caring for COVID-19 positive residents or residents under quarantine. The licensee of your facility must be able to provide an N95 respirator to an unvaccinated employee upon request.
Required Use of FDA-Cleared Surgical Masks for Unvaccinated or Incompletely Vaccinated Facility Staff
Unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated facility staff in your facility are required to wear a surgical mask in indoor settings anywhere they are working with another person, per current California Department of Public Health Guidance.
As provided by federal law, your health insurance plan must cover the cost of COVID 19 tests for you without requiring you to pay out-of-pocket costs or meet certain screening criteria, as long as you are getting COVID-19 testing for COVID-19 diagnosis or treatment.
If you are having trouble accessing a COVID-19 test through your health plan or if you have any questions, please contact the California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) Help Center at 1-888-466-2219 or visit the DMHC Help Center website (www.Health
Your care providers, the licensee of your facility, and your local Long-Term Care Ombudsman (call 1-800-510-2020) are available to answer your questions.
The Terraces
at Park Marino
2587 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tel. (626) 798-6753