Dear Terraces Family Members (especially Safe Haven) and Friends,
I am sorry to have to update you again so soon after yesterday’s frustrating news. We have now just discovered that a second employee has tested positive for Covid-19.
This employee works exclusively in Safe Haven, our Memory Care Program. Their last shift worked was on the 28th of May. The employee is also asymptomatic, which as we understand suggests that the chances of transmission are extremely low (according to the LA County Department of Health).
The employee is now home under quarantine and is doing fine. They will not return to work until they have tested negative for Covid-19 two times. You may remember from yesterday’s letter that we will be requiring the employee to be retested with the more accurate blood draw test, to lessen the chance that their first nasal swab test was a false positive (that test has a 30 to 40% False Positive or False Negative result).
I believe you are all aware that staff is required to wear masks and gloves while working with our residents and have been faithful in following all safety and health protocols of the Department of Health. All staff are tested and being monitored for possible symptoms. Testing is made available to our staff in LA County and this is how we discovered the positive result. We are increasing the testing to once a week, or if we suspect a symptom. Staff is now required to work in only one area and will not be crossing between Safe Haven and Assisted Living. Staff is now taking separate breaks in different areas to help with social distancing protocols and to limit interaction between departments.
For any residents who had direct contact with the newly positive employee, our staff in Safe Haven will be wearing additional PPE, including gowns, until the incubation period has passed. We will also consider additional quarantine measures and checks based on exposure to the caregiver and the health conditions of each resident who came into contact with the employee. Finally, in addition to thrice daily temperature checks of all residents and staff, we will increase pulse oximeter testing to twice daily to determine residents’ oxygen levels. We want to reassure you that we are raising our levels of monitoring and precautions for both our residents and our staff members. It requires diligence and great care, but COVID-19 is a relentless foe. The toughest part for everyone is identifying the asymptomatic but positive individual. Fortunately, increased testing ability uncovered these 2 cases.
Thank you again for all your trust and support during this challenging time.
Executive Director
The Terraces
at Park Marino
2587 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
Office Hours
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tel. (626) 798-6753